Las nuevas instalaciones tendrán un importante papel en el proyecto urbanístico del paseo marítimo que recorre todo el largo del frente costero de la ciudad. La estructura se basa en una trama deforme que le da una estética cristalina, lo que le ha valido el apodo de "la cristalería". El hotel será de 12 pisos de altura, mientras que el Congreso será inicialmente de 3 pisos con adición de más niveles en el futuro.
El congreso y el hotel se dispondrán a lo largo del paseo marítimo para encontrarse con los bloques de apartamentos separados por una calle peatonal. El apartamento tendrá la misma trama de “cristal de sal”, mientras que la fachada tendrá un patrón rectangular reforzando aún más la apertura y ligereza del edificio. Los bloques de apartamentos varían de dos a nueve pisos. La unidad más alta se ubica en la esquina norte de la manzana ofreciendo sol y luz del sur a los 130 apartamentos.
"Este sistema crea una rango de espacios urbanos variados y únicos. Conforman la vida entre los edificios y las plantas bajas accesibles, el nuevo edificio es coherente con la ciudad. Hemos creado una arquitectura dinámica, que da a Helsingborg un nuevo hito en este sitio único y especial. " - KA, arquitecto asociado de Schmidt, Hammer Lassen.
Schmidt Hammer Lassen architects: Crystalline Landmark for Helsingborg
The crystalline landmark designs by Schmidt Hammer Lassen architects for the central harbor front of Helsingborg, Sweden will consists of a 16,900 m2 congress, a hotel facility and a 17,100 m2 housing area on Helsingborg. The new facilities will play an important part in the ongoing development of the promenade running the length of the city waterfront.
The crystalline landmark designs by Schmidt Hammer Lassen architects for the central harbor front of Helsingborg, Sweden will consists of a 16,900 m2 congress, a hotel facility and a 17,100 m2 housing area on Helsingborg. The new facilities will play an important part in the ongoing development of the promenade running the length of the city waterfront.
The structure is characterized by a deformed grid structure that gives it a crystalline aesthetic, thus, coining its nickname 'the sale crystals'. The hotel is expected to be 12-storey high, while the congress will initially be 3-storey with added levels in the later future.
The congress and hotel centre will run along the sea promenade to meet the apartment blocks that are separated from the congress centre by a pedestrian street. The apartment will have the same 'salt crystal' grid while its facade will have a shifting rectangular pattern to further reinforce an element of openness and lightness to the building. The apartment blocks will vary from two to nine stories. The highest unit will placed in the north corner of the block to provide sun and daylight from the south to all 130 apartments.
'This scheme creates a range of varied and unique city spaces. It forms a life between the buildings, the accessible ground levels, and the new building has coherence with the city. We have created a dynamic architecture, which gives Helsingborg a new landmark on this unique and special site.' - KA, associate partner of Schmidt Hammer Lassen architects.
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